Isen i Arktis...
Jag skrev tidigare om hur konstigt isen i Arktis uppför sig.
Nu har dom som mäter tydligen upptäckt att satelliten börjat mäta fel. Något som började redan tidigt i januari i år.
Så här ser den senaste bilden ut:
Och så här skriver dom på NSIDC:
As some of our readers have already noticed, there was a significant problem with the daily sea ice data images on February 16. The problem arose from a malfunction of the satellite sensor we use for our daily sea ice products.
Upon further investigation, we discovered that starting around early January, an error known as sensor drift caused a slowly growing underestimation of Arctic sea ice extent. The underestimation reached approximately 500,000 square kilometers (193,000 square miles) by mid-February. Sensor drift, although infrequent, does occasionally occur and it is one of the things that we account for during quality control measures prior to archiving the data. See below for more details.
Nu har dom som mäter tydligen upptäckt att satelliten börjat mäta fel. Något som började redan tidigt i januari i år.
Så här ser den senaste bilden ut:
Och så här skriver dom på NSIDC:
" February 18, 2009
Satellite sensor errors cause data outage
As some of our readers have already noticed, there was a significant problem with the daily sea ice data images on February 16. The problem arose from a malfunction of the satellite sensor we use for our daily sea ice products.
Upon further investigation, we discovered that starting around early January, an error known as sensor drift caused a slowly growing underestimation of Arctic sea ice extent. The underestimation reached approximately 500,000 square kilometers (193,000 square miles) by mid-February. Sensor drift, although infrequent, does occasionally occur and it is one of the things that we account for during quality control measures prior to archiving the data. See below for more details.
We have removed the most recent data and are investigating alternative data sources that will provide correct results. It is not clear when we will have data back online, but we are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible."
Och i nästan två månader har journalister och politiker oroat sig över att isen försvinner snabbare än någonsin trots att det är vinter... såvida det inte visar sig att det är tvärtom. Satelliterna kanske har visat is tidigare som inte fanns?