Om blå ögon och Kairo...

Gamla Gäddan..?
Nej så stod det inte.

Fick nyss mail från min son.

Han skickade ett reportage som en tjej från England skrivit. Eftersom han var med och är omnämnd.
Ett litet klipp ur artikeln:

"On our way to the factory journalist Per Bjorklund and I saw a stream of people coming from the direction of the factory. Per correctly identified them as workers, who it transpired had been let out early, an attempt by state security to control the size of the protest.

A group of women stopped me, asking if I was a journalist before they caught sight of Per. Who is Swedish and looks it.

"ALLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3EYNAYK GAMILA GEDDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [WOW! YOUR EYES ARE REALLY GORGEOUS!] she cooed/screeched at Per. Who smiled a twinkly smile with his heavenly Scandinavian blue eyes.

I managed to extract from the women that the 3 p.m. shift had been let out early from the factory before they returned to the theme of Per and his eyes."

Det handlade om en reportagresa till en strejk vid en fabrik i Mahalla nyligen.

Bild som jag hämtade från artikeln


Kul med ungdomar som ger sig ut och försöker beskriva världen i andra termer än döende isbjörnar.



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